Roof Restoration Coatings Links
Reflective Roof Coatings Links
Roofing Primers Links
Roof Restoration Coatings
Roof restoration coatings are specifically formulated as liquid waterproofers and are an economical option to extend the service life of a roof.

Adhesion Test Kit
Garla-Shield ® Low-odour Re...
R-Mer Coat Roof Coating
WeatherScreen™ Roof Coating
White-Stallion Plus
White-Stallion Plus/White-S...
Reflective Roof Coatings
Reflective coatings enhance the appearance of roofs while also extending the service life by protecting against UV degradation. Reflective roof coatings also increase energy savings by keeping buildings cool and decreasing air-conditioning costs.

Pyramic Reflective Roof Coa...
Pyramic® Base Coat
Pyramic® Plus LO
Rust-Go® VOC Top Coat
Silver Shield® Roof Coating
Solex® Reflective Roof Coating
StrataMax™ Nano-Tech Elasto...
Roofing Primers
Roofing primers are preparatory roof coatings that promote adhesion of coatings or roll goods, inhibit the development of rust, or serve a protective stain-blocking layer.