Base and Felt Sheets Links
Roof Membranes (Cap Sheets) Links
Air Barrier/Vapor Retarders and Underlayments Links
Reinforcements & Felt Roll Roofing Links
Base and Felt Sheets
Base sheet roofing and felt roll roofing sheets offer heat resistance and low temperature flexibility to create a stronger, more secure roof assembly.

FlexBase® 80 Base Sheet Roo...
FlexBase® E 80 Base Sheet R...
FlexBase® Plus 80 Base Shee...
HPR® Glasbase / Premium Fel...
HPR® Glasfelt/Premium Felt ...
HPR® SA FR Base Sheet
HPR® Torch-Applied Base She...
HPR® Tri-Base Premium
SA Base IV Sheet Roofing
StressBase 80 Plus Base She...
StressBase® 80 / 120 Base S...
Ultra-Shield® Torch Applied...
VersiPly® 40 for Multiply R...
Roof Membranes (Cap Sheets)
Garland’s high-performance roof membranes, also called cap sheet roofing, are the first line of defense against Mother Nature, offering unparalleled strength, durability and functionality.

BiFlex® Cap/Mineral
KEE-Stone HP
KEE-Stone HP NF Flashing
KEE-Stone Prefabricated Acc...
KEE-Stone Utility Roll Roof...
KEE-Stone® FB 60 (2-Ply KEE...
KEE-Stone® FB 60 Roof Flash...
KEE-Stone® NF 60 Flashing
OptiMax® Modified Roofing M...
StressPly Legacy/ StressPly...
StressPly® E / E FR Mineral...
StressPly® EUV / EUV FR Min...
StressPly® IV Plus / IV Plu...
StressPly® Max* / Max FR Mi...
StressPly® Plus* / Plus FR ...
StressPly® SA FR Mineral
StressPly®* / FR Mineral
VersiPly® 80 Mineral Modifi...
Air Barrier/Vapor Retarders and Underlayments
These roof membranes can be used to stop uncontrolled airflow into the building.

R-Mer® Seal Underlayment
VaporSmart SA
Reinforcements & Felt Roll Roofing
Reinforcements and felt roll roofing provide increased strength performance characteristics.